pp108 : License Configuration Interface

License Configuration Interface

This topic describes the License configuration interface of Management Console.

Table 1. License Configuration Interface

UI Element


License Mode

The type of Process Platform installation, that is Single or Multiple.

Treat this Computer as Master

Select this option to consider the host computer as the Master. Clear the selection of this option to treat this computer as a contributor.

Registered Customer Name

Name of the customer who holds the Process Platform license.

Registered Site Name

Any string assigned by Process Platform.

Master Computer Name

Name of the master computer (this field is enabled only if the License Mode is Multiple and Treat this Computer as Master option is not selected ).

Master Web Site Port Number

Port number of the computer that is treated as master computer (this field is enabled only if the License Mode is Multiple and Treat this Computer as Master option is not selected ).


License key currently being used (the validity period of the current key is displayed below the box).

Send Usage Report Automatically

Whether the usage report has to be sent automatically to the Process Platform License Service every month.